Just Cause 4 Performance Analysis

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OCC published Just Cause 4 Performance Analysis

A quote from the article:
We have finally come to the end after going through every GPU I have at my disposal. The GTX 770, being the oldest and least powerful GPU in my collection was not able to provide a 60 FPS experience, but it can get you in the 30-40 FPS range at the Minimum Acceptable Quality options I decided on. The GTX 980 was the next slowest, with the High options I selected also being what it can offer a 60 FPS experience at, though not necessarily a solid-60 FPS experience. The RX 580 is in the same class as the GTX 980, but proved its better as it was able to offer a 60 FPS experience at the games highest options. Every other GPU was capable of doing the same too.
 Just Cause 4 Performance Analysis