New NVIDIA Driver Generation: Shader performance

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I can think of a few trolls on here, but i doubt its who you think. Funny that as soon as the nvidiots on here have no argument they start insulting and avoiding previous postings.. Oh well. Ok so nvidia has improved PS2 speed, but how come the games that use it have gained more speed than those graphs suggest? Could it be that the FX isnt using PS2 at all, but PS1.1 or 1.3 instead ? no never...
Sure is a wrapper.. and it does an ok job, but its still not the real thing. I really hope the XGI cards shut the nvidiots up, they are so misguided, maybe we should club together and get some therapy for them ?! Why do the new 52.13s reduce ALL AF to bilinear ? Why is it that the wrapper that allowed dawn to run on the Radeon made it faster than on the FX, but the wrapper of the FX runs DX9 slower than the radeon ?
I liked the article and thought it was very well done, 'cept I would have liked to see some image quality comparisons. The shader performance increase is very realistic and about what I thought nVidia could get....but they still ain't up to ATi's shader performance by a looooong shot. :)
He maybe right.. it is boring, but there is no reason to act like a child, if he doesnt like it he doesnt have to read it ! Ill tell you what is really boring, its nvidia trying to get out of its hole by cheating and lieing. Maybe when they stop it people will stop pointing it out ! By the way if the news is so boring why are the ATI/nvidia articles on here getting 3000+ reads when the other articles are getting less than 1000 ?
Well if you have a nvidia card it might not be rendering it properly...
I agree, fanATIcs are much more insulting and flamestarting than nVidiots (actually, I almost only see ATI fans start flames). Same goes with AMD fanboys vs Intel fanboys... and HL2 fanboys vs Doom3 fanboys, etc. I really wonder why...?! My guess its because every 10 year old is now in the internet.
I was talking about flaming. and flaming is much more common nowadays than normal fact stating!!! maybe you should look around some more. ATI is also using forced "optimizations" btw...