Intelforums Xmas Giveaway!

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A forum where I have only ONE post! :eek:
lol they should use a 10+ post limit like DH usually do.
They have now updated it to enter you more than once if you have at least 5 posts.
It does make it so you get some people actually joining up and posting, but there are SO many yahoos who just join up and post 10 quick spams to make the limit to enter. You don't see them 10 spam posts though because the mods are scrambling to catch the spammers and enforce the rules, but it can be a ***** at times to keep up with the spammers! (Trust me. Been there, done that. ;) ) I like the way Intelforums is doing it with a no post limit to enter but you get double the chances if you have over 5 posts, it's a nice compromise. (I'm working on getting over the 5 limit now in as non-spammy a way as possible. :) )