Windows-11-Taskbar-Blackener 1.0.0

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Windows-11-Taskbar-Blackener is an Open Source script that renders the system accent and taskbar color solid black.

Windows-11-Taskbar-Blackener is an Open Source script that renders the system accent and taskbar color solid black.

This little script eliminates the need to manually change the color through settings. Simple in scope, but for those that like solid black (#000000) it will be useful. It would be helpful to have an option to revert back to the default scheme but maybe this will be provided in a subsequent release. You may want to create a backup just in case an issue arises.

Windows-11-Taskbar-Blackener was designed for Windows 11 but will work with 8 and 1o. An excellent option for changing up colors without having to navigate and configure multiple settings.