Valve steamed over NV3x performance

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One of our affiliate sites TechReport were lucky enough to have attended yesterday's ATI Shader Days event and have posted a blow by blow coverage of the presentation by Gabe Newell of Valve! It's well worth the Read.

Greetings from ATI's "Shader Days" event, where, in a remarkable presentation, Gabe Newell of Valve, famed developers of the Half-Life series, just uncorked a shocking set of benchmarks of his company's new DirectX 9 game. Newell also expressed his frustation at some graphics hardware makers' attempts to influence the outcome of benchmarks using driver-based optimizations.

As you know if you have been following graphics hardware over the past six months or so, there is a rich thicket of issues surrounding benchmarking, driver optimizations, and next-gen graphics hardware. I will not attempt to bring you up to speed on all of them here. I believe Newell's presentation summarized the relevant issues nicely and stated Valve's position with little ambiguity, so I'll present my pictures of those slides with some commentary as necessary.

Valve steamed over NV3x performance