Steam 2.0 and Counter-Strike 1.6

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Awhile ago, Valve announced they would be releasing Counter-Strike 1.6 via the Steam 2.0 beta. On Tuesday, they sent out the Steam 2.0 beta clients to certain members of the press to preview. As reported in our preview, we had some issues with Steam even under light usage conditions, and warned people to expect problems with the beta.

Yesterday, the Steam 2.0 client was supposed to be released to the public at 3:00pm. It was, in fact, briefly available from the official Steam site. But well before the scheduled 3:00pm release, some smaller, less scrupulous gaming sites leaked the Steam 2.0 client from the press preview.

Even before the official, widespread release, Steam was already completely overloaded. Valve suspended the public release of the Steam 2.0 client to prevent further problems.

Right now, there are a good handful of people who managed to get their hands on the Steam 2.0 leaked client. However, it?s not doing them much good since Steam is still overloaded and experiencing significant, crippling problems. It won?t even load for most users (including me) and only a very, very lucky and very, very patient few have gotten to play CS 1.6 at this point.

Full Story @ PlanetHalf-Life