Service Registry, .NET, Kernel, Expat updates for RHEL

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A new Red Hat Linux update has been published. Service Registry, .NET, Kernel, Expat updates for RHEL

Service Registry, .NET, Kernel, Expat updates for RHEL

The following security updates have been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux: RHSA-2024:2833: Moderate: Service Registry (container images) release and security update [2.5.11 GA] RHSA-2024:2843: Important: .NET 7.0 security update RHSA-2024:2845: Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update RHSA-2024:2846: Moderate: kernel-rt security and bug fix update RHSA-2024:2842: Important: .NET 8.0 security update RHSA-2024:2839: Moderate: expat security update

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