Recipe Filter for Chrome

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Recipe Filter for Chrome compiles the recipe from a given site and pops it out in a user-friendly window, making it easier to follow or save.

Recipe Filter for Chrome compiles the recipe from a given site and pops it out in a user-friendly window, making it easier to follow or save.

If you like to try new recipes and enjoy cooking, this will be a useful little extension for sure. It works by detecting recipes on any page you visit. Then it highlights them at the top of the page. No longer will you have to scroll around looking for the recipe buried in paragraph after paragraph of a blogger's life story. Just get the recipe and go. You will see a few sponsored ads in the pop recipe's window, and perhaps requests to sign up for a particular website's mailing list but this shouldn't ruin the meal so to say...

Recipe Filter allows you to select the websites that it will work for and allows blacklisting, which located in the Options section after clicking the extension's toolbar icon. It super user-friendly, with little configuration required so you can get to the task of cooking rather than hunting around for recipes.

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