PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2 veröffentlicht

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Nun steht die zweite Alpha Version von PHP 7.0.0 zum Download bereit

Php7eleNeben 25 Bugfixes enthält die neue Version jetzt auch die Throwable-Schnittstelle und Änderungen an der Exception-Hierarchie

Seit Alpha 1 dabei: Führt Code doppelt so schnell wie PHP 5.6 aus, Konsistente 64-Bit-Unterstützung, Viele schwerwiegende Fehler sind jetzt Ausnahmen, Entfernen von alten und nicht unterstützte SAPIs und Erweiterungen, Der Null-Koaleszenz-Operator (??), Kombinierte Vergleich Operator (), Rückgabetyp Erklärungen, Scalar Art Erklärungen und vieles mehr.

Hier eine Auflistung aller Änderungen seit Alpha 1:
"25 Jun 2015, PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2

- Core:
. Fixed bug #69872 (uninitialised value in strtr with array). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69868 (Invalid read of size 1 in zend_compile_short_circuiting). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69849 (Broken output of apache_request_headers). (Kalle)
. Fixed bug #69840 (iconv_substr() doesn't work with UTF-16BE). (Kalle)
. Fixed bug #69823 (PHP 7.0.0alpha1 segmentation fault when exactly 33 extensions are loaded). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69805 (null ptr deref and seg fault in zend_resolve_class_name). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69802 (Reflection on Closure::__invoke borks type hint class name). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #69761 (Serialization of anonymous classes should be prevented). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #69551 (parse_ini_file() and parse_ini_string() segmentation fault). (Christoph M. Becker)
. Fixed bug #69781 (phpinfo() reports Professional Editions of Windows 7/8/8.1/10 as "Business"). (Christian Wenz)
. Fixed bug #69835 (phpinfo() does not report many Windows SKUs). (Christian Wenz)
. Fixed bug #69889 (Null coalesce operator doesn't work for string offsets).(Nikita)
. Fixed bug #69891 (Unexpected array comparison result). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #69892 (Different arrays compare indentical due to integer key truncation). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #69893 (Strict comparison between integer and empty string keys crashes). (Nikita)

- DOM:
. Fixed bug #69846 (Segmenation fault (access violation) when iterating over DOMNodeList). (Anatol Belski)

- GD:
. Fixed bug #61221 (imagegammacorrect function loses alpha channel). (cmb)

- mysqlnd:
. Fixed Bug #69796 (mysqli_stmt::fetch doesn't assign null values to bound variables). (Laruence)

- Curl:
. Fixed bug #69831 (Segmentation fault in curl_getinfo). (im dot denisenko at yahoo dot com)

- Opcache:
. Removed opcache.load_comments configuration directive. Now doc commentsloading costs nothing and always enabled. (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #69838 (Wrong size calculation for function table). (Anatol)

. Fixed bug #69864 (Segfault in preg_replace_callback) (cmb, ab)

- PDO_pgsql:
. Fixed bug #69752 (PDOStatement::execute() leaks memory with DML Statements when closeCuror() is u). (Philip Hofstetter)

. Fixed bug #69845 (ArrayObject with ARRAY_AS_PROPS broken). (Dmitry)

- SQLite3
. Fixed bug #69897 (segfault when manually constructing SQLite3Result). (Kalle)

- Standard
. Fixed bug #62922 (Truncating entire string should result in string). (Nikita)"

PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2 kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Die Windows Version gibt es hier.