Guru3D CeBit 2008 tradeshow coverage - Part #3

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The Guru of 3D published part 3 of their CeBit 2008 tradeshow coverage
Guru3D just posted part #3 of their visit to the CeBIT. The CeBIT is probably the biggest exhibit in the world where roughly 2 million people gather each year to meet, greet, watch, observe and make business happen. Guru3D of course focuses in everything that is interesting to you guys, the gamers. We had a very busy agenda at the CeBIT, presenting themselves or not everybody was there alright. This article as usual will dive into a huge pictorial. Loads and loads of photo's off products we noticed, and most of all products that stood out from the rest. The funky stuff you guys like to see so much. There still was a lot to see and experience.

>> Guru3D CeBit 2008 tradeshow coverage - Part #3