Fedora 14 release name

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The code name of Fedora 14 is Laughlin

Thank you to the community for helping us select the name of the followup to Fedora 13, "Goddard." The Fedora 14 release name is:


Following are the full election results.

* * *

Voting period: Tue 2010-05-04 00:00:01 - Mon 2010-05-10 00:00:01
Number of valid ballots cast: 206

Using the range voting method, each candidate could attain a maximum of (206*6) = 1236 votes.


votes | name
- - -------+-----------
610 | Laughlin
594 | Laramie
507 | Ventnor
482 | Mitikas
459 | Hoppin
403 | Fytnargin