Dolphin Text Editor Menu 2.9

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Add extra formatting/sorting to any text editor (e.g. Notepad, Word, Visual Studio, etc). Many text editors are lacking when it comes to basic text manipulation. (e.g. Notepad is frequently used to edit files, but it has very few text editing functions.)

Add extra formatting/sorting to any text editor (e.g. Notepad, Word, Visual Studio, etc).

Dolphin Text Editor Menu is not a text editor.

Many text editors are lacking when it comes to basic text manipulation. (e.g. Notepad is frequently used to edit files, but it has very few text editing functions.)

Dolphin Text Editor Menu expands the functionality of any text editor by adding an extra menu allowing you to:
Sort text alphabetically
Reverse line order
Remove blank lines
Change case to upper/lower/title
Remove duplicate lines
Various 'text cleaning' options
Remove text formatting
Plus many more text functions to make your life easier...

Dolphin Text Editor Menu will work with any software where you can type paragraphs.

This includes: Visual Studio; OpenOffice Writer; MS Word; memo-boxes in Firefox; Notepad; Wordpad; html/php editors; etc.

The menu gives you numerous text formatting tools, but only shows itself when it is needed. So, if you are changing source code; editing html/php; writing a report; or simply making notes - then Dolphin Text Editor Menu can make your life easier.

Dolphin Text Editor Menu doesn't replace your current text editing software. Instead, it makes your text editor better.

All you have to do is:
Highlight/select the text you want to alter.
Press the hotkey (which is initially set to Ctrl+NumPad0).
Choose a function from the menu.
The highlighted text will them be altered accordingly.

(No complicated installation is required.)

The menu can be disabled when certain applications have focus, to avoid conflicting hotkeys.

Each menu item can be hidden aswell, to help you easily reach the functions you use the most.