Corsair DDR2 TwinX XMS2-4300C3 review @ XtremeResources

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XtremeResources have just published a review of Corsair's latest DDR2 offering, the Corsair DDR2 TwinX XMS2-4300C3 modules.

"When the company name ‘Corsair’ comes into any computer enthusiast’s thoughts, instantly memories of one of the oldest and most reputable high-performance RAM companies come into his/her mind. Over the past few months, they have had to meet yet another challenge, the swift change on the newest Intel platforms from DDR to DDR2 RAM. With DDR slowly phasing out and DDR2 demands being very low, this has made the move for every company a painful situation. Corsair had to meet their reputation for high-performance RAM as well, so their modules should overclock higher and be more stable than your usual everyday RAM."
The full read is here