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Checksum-Aide enables you to check the validity of hash codes for free.

Checksum-Aide enables you to check the validity of hash codes for free.

Not only can you verify hash codes but if you happen to be a developer you can generate hash codes for your software. Providing users with confidence when downloading it, so they know that is in the pristine state you intended. Checksum-Aide is capable of generating up to 11 different hash codes (including SHA-256). You can utilize it to obtain the hash code for a block of text or you can calculate the hash code for a file. Checksum-Aide can also calculate the hash codes for multiple files.

Hash codes are used for a variety of reasons like the detection of any data errors as well as the verification of programs and data files. The Checksum-Aide utility is simple to use making verification a breeze and is presented in a clean interface that includes a well-organized Help section if you get stuck.
