Boostnote 0.8.7

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Boostnote is an open-source note-taking app designed for programmers and web developers.
Boostnote is an open-source note-taking app designed for programmers and web developers.There are quick access links found on the lower right that include zoom, every type of document you could imagine, size, indent and last update. Resizing Boostnote smaller does screw up the formatting of these quick links.The menu section allows you to decide where your storage is, define hotkeys, and tweak the user interface.Boostnote lets you take your notes in Markdown with live previewer, use snippet notes, multiple hotkeys, finder popup (similar to the spotlight of OSX), and latex support.Boostnote is a full featured note-taking app geared for programmers and web developers not to be confused with a post-it style application or a Notepad replacement.