AMD Ready To Rock MML2 With Athlon 64

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Tom's Hardware have thrown up their coverage of AMD?s Athlon 64 desktop and mobile versions from the MillionMan LAN which is being held in the United States. After all it's just a bit of "We've been behind closed doors to see it live and not you" PR bag-o-mix but may be worth checking out for some.

Perhaps the most anticipated announcement at MML2 is AMD's intention to show publicly, for the first time, the Athlon64 desktop and notebook systems. Through what can only be described as a Herculean effort by both Philip Stein and David Makin from AMD, MML2 attendees are going to get the chance at 10PM EST this evening to see the new Athlon64 desktop and notebook systems in action. Many might view that taking a chance by publicly showing the Athon64 to the LAN gaming community a little strange, but the reality is that they right now the guys at MML2 are representing the cutting edge grassroots enthusiasts, the people who are most interested in the technology that Athlon64 has to offer.

AMD Ready To Rock MML2 With Athlon 64