256MB GeForce FX PRO Better Then ATI 9800?

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Spotted this post in Futuremark's forum posted by seizetheday4eva:

Sh** I just got of the phone to a contact that I have at PNY and he told me that Nvidia are releasing a 256mb Geforce 5800 FX Pro which will be even faster then the Geforce FX Ultra because it obviously has double the memory. The only difference between the FX Ultra and Pro will be the memory.

He told me that Nvidia are releasing it in 6 weeks to compete with the ATI 9800. Wow, I can't wait go for it Nvidia.

Now that Microsoft is not updating DirectX 9 for 2 years these cards will be future proof.

This is very good news. Oh and remember you heard if from me first. I think you did anyway.

256MB GeForce FX PRO Better Then ATI 9800?