World of Warcraft Alpha Leaked

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this is getting a little ridiculous now.... like who wants to play an unfinished game? especially gettin a 2gb alpha, who has the time?
Hmmm I don't know, would it be possible to host your own server then? In any case I won't be bothering with the release. I got other *finished* games to play. ;p
What happened? Why are all these leaks suddenly happening? It's like I'm now just expecting to be able to get a playable copy of a game a long time before it ever comes out.....WHY?!?
Its called broadband.. It would take just under 3 hours to download 2 gig, and if your bored like me, its something to do.
No, It's wrong and is the reason why every company is abandoning the PC as a gaming platform.
thats exactly my point man,.... nothing is comin out for the pc anymore, everything gets released before its actually done,.... people, keep this up and say bye bye to all those "good" games on the pc cause they will only be released on consoles the way its going
It's the solution to the 'We can't be arsed to do a polished demo', so we'll just leak it as it was 6 months ago. And why would some muppet post a link, surely any cast member of Sesame street would have more sensible things to do, like counting or something..
I'm hoping that some of the earlier versions get leaked at least... ;)
?? Its an Alpha.. how it could majorly affect sales is beyond me (unless its total crap). Lots of companies leak the alphas on purpose to get hype and people will play the game. Its just like them releasing a demo.. if its good people will buy the game, if its crap, people probably wont. Hm every company is abandoning the PC.. yeah right.