Windows XP SP2 Won't Install on Pirated Copies

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lololol razon1911, divince....
those groups are releasting games. none of them will do anything about windows service packs. and just going on irc wont make wonders for you either
Basically from 2120 up to the final SP2 you need to have a PID of something like xxxx-640xx-xxxxx-xxxxx .. which to see it is located in your right click windows properties (Underneath Registered to). As I said something similar. If it has 641-650 it will let you install, but it will reboot and immediately log you out forcing you to reinstall winxp. As for a crack.. there has been a new keygen out that produces ONLY 640 PID cd keys. This is only from what I have seen/read. I have never tried it or even searched for it, yet I have seen people saying it worked.
Only fools attempts to play bought copies without CRACKING them first theese days...
"it will not permit users who have obtained Windows XP illegally to upgrade to its latest service release" *giggle* Who asked for their permission? Oh phhhleaaase, let me upgrade to sp2... phrettyphrettyphhhleease!!
amen to that brother
ok, so hysteria. you dont own any pirated material at all.....hmmmm...../.