VideoCards with 128MB Memory Tested!!

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why is that a 'must read'...the conclusion was that it is pretty much useless to have that much memory on a video card for what current applications require....which is why no one has been cranking them out.
It's a must read because.. peeps don't need 128MB Cards.. (no use..)
The conclusion is based on a really shitty review. Why he didn't test with some form of FSAA enabled is beyond my apprehention. FSAA is the feature that will most likely benefit the most from 128MB of memory. What an idiot reviewer!
The conclusion is based on a really shitty review. Why he didn't test with some form of FSAA enabled is beyond my apprehention. FSAA is the feature that will most likely benefit the most from 128MB of memory. What an idiot reviewer!
erm, FSAA requires bandwidth not memory. There would have been zero point in adding this to the review.