The Competitive Incompetence Conspiracy

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Him again? I don't really care about his personal opinion, and it certainly is not a "News" item.
Shader Model 3.0 was not being used? Yea, and when Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory came out all the ATI users started crying foul because it indeed uses SM 3.0, and they could not use it, being stuck with only SM 1.1. And I gotta admit, Chaos Theory sure does look nice with SM3.0 enabled. I'm glad my 9800 Pro died when it did.
* Laughing hysterically* Hmm, are you the author? If not, I will just say this. Pretend I am a high school teacher, and today, I tell my class to something about "how bad companies are" ... Do you want to read it? Do you want to put them down as Daily News item(s) too? Just think?
My first message wasn't too clear, so it goes again. That article has a lot of "guess-work" ... like why certain company did that or said that and etc.(as the author speculates/determines in his head) and why the companies could have, should have, would have done this and that and etc. (in "certain" reasons and outcome that "fit" the author's perspective and point of view on this matter) That's ok as a personal opinion blog/dairy, but it certainly is not a News item. For his opinion(s) concerning SM3.0 and 64-bit thing, I can only say it doesn't really matter. The companies did/do what they want for their own reasons. You can interpret them what you want, however you like them. It is all in your brains, after all.