Take-Two Stops San Andreas Production

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Yeah, great reason to not buy a game. Oh no they removed the sex mod/cheat! How will I get to have sex now? Step away from the PC. Go outside.
You can play the hot coffee uncensored on a PS2 as well.. Although I heard it may corrupt your save game.
Yeah... you have a point, only... Nothing "turns up unexpectedly" in the game, you have to specficially download a mod and unlock the content. Someone could have made a similar sex-minigame mod and release it on the net, only with the sexual content in the downloadable mod instead of in the game from the start. Would that be any different? It's riddicules. If you have to modify the game to unlock it, then it really does not matter where the content comes from. Remember it's not a code you type in or anything like that, you have to modify the gamefiles.
It's self censorship "moron". The same as many film producers do to get a lower rating (e.g. Team America made a few cuts to get R rating before release).
thats not entirely true at all. its one thing to change a texture to an exhisting model in a game, its something completely different to add in the animations etc. which rockstar had already placed there. most modders use what ever is in the game for animations, and simply modify textures, or change where animations are activated. it would have been real hard to add something as complete as this to the game... otherwise we'd have seen this in GTA3 or even Vice City, maybe if R* released an SDK for the game, we would have. the truth of the matter is, rockstar screwed up, they knew modders would find that stuff, they knew a mod would be released to unlock it. they wanted it in there, without raising their esrb rating. i just dont think they figured on there being such a witch hunt about it. as for america's prorities being screwed up.. not everyone in america feels this way about this stuff. my dads 74 years old.. never played a pc/console game in his life.. and finds the whole thing rediculous. he asked me about it, i told him i had the game, even showed it to him.. and he about laughed his butt off. if he was a few years younger i bet he'd even play this game himself.. w/o the hot coffee mod lol. cheers.
That "code" you enter on the PS2 requires you have additional hardware just for cheating. We'r not talking about "average" players here. It probably matters little to Rockstar, like you said, they probably love every minute of it anyway. It is riddicules though in every aspect of it. Not only is it pretty much completly hidden but it's not that explicit at all... and NOT at all if you compare it to the violence in the game. Shooting a cop then beating him while on the ground with a baseball bat is ok but a blocky polygon rubbing up against another (poorly textured) polygon is a big no-no? Come on.
Similar action occurred with GTA: Vice City over Haitian references in the game. So perhaps we may be "morons" vacantmind, but at least were not hypocritical morons like yourself - "oh, I'll never buy a Take-Two game again over this censorship". So I take it you didn't buy any Take-Two games since Vice City then ehh? No San Andreas for you right?