Closed Down

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I don't understand why this is being posted everywhere (Tech Sites) but I still get to this site and it seems to be running just fine... Am I missing something somewhere??? I can go to site and download the software and the like...
Yeah but mpaa just wants to get rid of all the average people who just click and download at torrent sites. Knocking supernova down has probably stopped a LOT of people from downloading stuff, simply because they have no alternatives themselves (I guess kazaa/edonkey which are even worse).
a many more torrent sites are out there so you fools that think they are gone are WRONG you will have to work for years to shut them all down. Like said above bittorrent is huge.
Being a techy has its advantages, like torrents for example.
If there was no free software/games then there wouldn't be as much software/slash games. Less people would bother learning code, less would design, less productivity etc.. etc.. We are fortunate that software is distributed; moreover, without it software and games would be scarce. I was downloading free stuff way back when, and the only thing that has happened is more everything. Maybe if that dummy Eve did not eat that dammed apple we would not have piracy. YAY SOMETHINGS WRONG LETS BAN IT. This is the INTERNET, that doesn´t play here. : MY 2C
The internet will be the closest humans ever come too absolute freedom, only too destroy themselves in the end.
Yeah maybe you will get the next BF right, I do like bf42 but my gawd it is *still* full of bugs, how long has it been out now? And to think I still have to have the CD in the drive to play that game even though it uses key validation, I use a virtual drive instead, I bet you uptight faggots at EA would like to see me burn because I use a virtual drive (gasp, he's not using the cd the way it was intended, kill him).
Why aren´t there optical drive standards? If one invested money into the optical drive hardware companies couldn't......I could ramble on forever. It seems that MPAA decided they would rather spend money on and fight for legal fees. War on Internet Piracy! Long live the day of freedom, yet I welcome whatever is next.