Spawn New Weapons in MOHPA Demo

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Does anyone care really? I mean its obvious the moh people copied cod and just added a few new features... this will probably be the last MOH title
Uh oh... I know there both published by EA, but I also thought COD was a spinoff title developed by part of the same group. Besides which came first MOH or COD ? MOH.
Whoops, foot out of mouth - COD=Activision, still MOH came first.
hello, MOH came first by two years.....when you get out of middle school you might learn somthing.
yea, but cod came before PA hello? know your shit before you talk it
i really liked COD's single player, then i tried it online.. i thought it sucked on line, compared to mohaa, i know quite a few people who went over to cod... for about 2 months.. then they where right back to mohaa. if they made mohPA like cod online.. i'll stick to mohaa till something better comes along
I said that because after this game is a dud "like moh:sh moh:bt was" it will probably be the last title they make for the series