Slander Sander? A reply to ATI

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Errm, not that'd I'd necessarily be supportive or anything. I just mean it's a fine reply. Roll on official benchmarks & lets see what happens then ehh?
No question they are trying to get back at each other ... that's just all part of doing Business. (I mean commerce) However, there is one part I really don't like ... Someone bringing in a 3rd party fanboy website to leak "e-mails" to try to sabotage, to make claims or to influence public opinion to a certain way. (It is like hiring some hit-man to take out your opponent) The dispute is between 2 parties and to use this kind of tactics ... well, I am not visiting that 3rd party site again, since it is clearly a "propaganda machine" working for someone's agenda.
Nor should he. The entire sordid affair is disgusting. And childish.
atleast he could have BCC'ed it :P