Open Letter To ATI

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I can tell you this, if that Gigabyte dual GPU 6600 turns out to be a winner, I'll dump ATI faster then Enron stock shares!
Its ok when Nvidia does wrong though isn't it?! What alternate universe are you living in?! Over the past 2-3 years, whenever someone at Nvidia so much as farts they've been critisized and ripped to shreds, both by news websites and even more so my the legions of ATI fansites and fanboys. However, for those last couple of years ATI have been able to do pretty much anything they want and get away with it. The ATI apologists are legendary in their selective-blindness and hypocrisy. And here is a news piece that barely attacks ATI at all and has only pointed out a few facts and within a few posts t w2s here we already have yet another apologist who, rather than addressing the points, chooses to switch the argument to one about Nvidia. Smart move. No, really. I mean it.
ATI is screwed. Maybe Nvidia will buy them next week?
I cant beleive some saud Enron.