Nvidia Presentations Leak

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Looks like you didnt read the pathetic statement about SLI by ATI a few weeks ago.
welcome to the world of pr, marketing and all that other bs. This really shows how bad nvidia have got, DOOM 3 the" best selling game of 2k4". its the only god dam game that nvidia has a fps lead on and its total shit. I believe that gap has closed tremendously after the new drivers, heres a thing: why not try spending all that cash on making a half descent card so we have some kind of competition between the 2 leaders. i bet some ***** with a pony tail, red braces and red rimmed glasses mincing around an office has just got paid for that crap. God i hate sales and marketing people.
What do you expect? If he still didnt accept the good contruction of the 6800s then he is a slimy fanATIc.
Frankly I'm a little tired of people pull crap off of forums and posting it here as News. Someone needs a new job. Sometimes I think the best part of coming to Warp2search anymore is reading the posts and seeing how gullable so many of you are. You let your hatred and ignorance cloud your mind. Do you really think Nvidia would put some piece of crap presentation out. LOL Oh lets see, leak this and maybe we will sell 100 more vid cards. Its not even worthy of news and of being posted on Warp2search. Gee I wonder who posted it. :)
Say, ati is doing 100 fps, then for it to be slower than nvida by 112%, nvidia has to do 212 fps. ... Pretty simple :). Percentages can be more than 100 if needed :).
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering! or something like that. Yes, master yoda, we obey.