John Carmack Talks ATI & Nvidia!

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I dont see why we cant buy a MX card, the are cheap, and good performanace of what we paid. This is some Fu*k up comments from a rich man ass.
are u stupid man u are falling into nvidias hands. nvidia is just trying to make some money on their and who would u trust the guy making the games or the people who make the hardware. look at the perpective.
The reason Carmack said to not buy the gf4-mx, is because it isnt really a gf4. It has similar performance as a gf4 but in reality it doesnt have the extra features of the gf4 (like all the vertex shaders and stuff). These extra features is what Carmack is using to make Doom3 ***** off good! So he is saying if you are buying a card for doom 3 then the gf4-mx is not the way to go! God I wish people would read things more and stop posting ignorant comments! seeya l8r Syl