Firefox Myths v1.1.0

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More conspiracy theories. You can't dispute the facts so you redirect the attack, pathetic.
Go spread your FUD elsewhere, I've read your site and looked at your resouces. It is irrelevant to me. I am not one of those people that believe Firefox is the end all be all, however it works and works very well and the enhancements though its extensions save me an immeasurable amount of time. I have used Netscape 2,3 & 4, IE 3,4,5,6 and now 7 beta, Mozilla since its 0.4 version, Seamonkey, Opera and Firefox since its inception. At this current time Firefox does the best job for me at work and home.
His Windows XP Tweak Guide has had numerous corrections after my XP Myths guide was released and after similiar revisions. It proved that tweaks he included in his guide were myths. You obviously haven't followed it much. He has a habit of including useless tweaking information like he continues with his bogus prefetch information in his guides. Davros you are a complete fool. Having ads on a site is completely normal. If you can't deal with it maybe you should stop visiting warp2search. I challenge you to get a clue.
I never say anywhere NOT to get Firefox. You and every other fanboy implies that. Is Firefox what I recommend? No, do I care if you use it nope. That is the point. I don't care what you use. Are you guys this weak minded or is the truth so shocking that you have actually questioned why you are using Firefox. I think I am begining to see the problem here. I don't tell anyone anywhere NOT to use Firefox. The difference between you and me, is I don't care if people use Firefox and get it from some banner, I simply don't recommend it. You have no idea why I made the guide. I made it because I was tired of the misleading information people were receiving in a deceptive way about it. I've used it, it is a decent web browser, it has some nice features but there is way to much misinformation about it. You "thinking" it is sensational is YOUR problem. But nothing is misleading. It is all sourced. Anyone can make up their own minds. Scare campaign my ass more like a brutally honest campaign. I say the tough things others are afraid to say. Don't want to hear it, then don't read it. This "Professional Internet Troll" nonsense is such propaganda. It is simply another attempt to discredit all the facts on the Firefox Myths page. As for our conversation about Prefetching, you can't have one if you don't understand how it works. I recommend Mark Russinovich's book WinInternals. My reputation is based on the factual accuracy of the information I provide not by people's "opinions" of me.
Seriously those are not even my pages. I agree with most of it however. As for me being anti-opensource you better check my site again there buddy. I wouldn't want to embarrass you anymore then you already have.
No one dictates to me what I put on page ever. Now that we are perfectly clear, you can believe what you want. It sure hasn't stopped you so far. I'm not going to take my ads off my page any more than Persian will on his or the owner of warp2search will on his. The content is free, if you don't like it don't read it but don't pretend to know my intentions or imply anything.