Firefox Myths v1.1.0

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Each and every pathetic argument has been refuted by the facts that anyone can read for themselves. Of course Mozillazine would ban anyone who posts something that goes against the propaganda they are trying to push. Some people will stop at nothing to hide the truth.
This gets better every time. Nanobox's site doesn't dispute a damn thing. It has all been refuted over and over. He has no facts only opinions and excuses. Not a single fact is remotely outdated. Try again. You persistent nonsense trying to tell people what my intentions are is laughable, when I clearly state them. To dispell Myths. In this case the large Firefox propaganda machine. If the fanboys weren't out there peddling lies to get people to use a browser the page wouldn't exist. You guys can't dispute a single fact on the page so you just link to nanobox's pathetic rhetoric over and over. Personally attacking me doesn't change the facts. You want to use Firefox? Good I don't care just don't lie to people about what it can and can not do or mislead them with erroneous information. The $$ is so sad. Trust me on this one, it is not a money maker not even close. No I did it, like I do everything to inform people. Don't be afraid of the truth because I can promise you it is not going anywhere. Now back to all these facts disputing the page? Oh thats right you don't have a damn one!
>Anyone, who can keep posting this complete >bollock shite, has got to be the original "Myths" >idiot. Got anymore names, Andrew ? You guys get more pathetic everytime you post. I have nothing to hide. I openly post under the same name over and over and over. You guys just can't possibly conceive someone actually multiple people out there agree with me. Well wake up many, many, many do. The farther you guys go with the conspiracy theories the more you guys look like complete loons.
This gets BOOOOORIIIIING.... Seriously, Mastertech, dont you have a life? I mean, having a Site like Firefox Myths is okay, erverybody should be able to post the bullshit he wants. BUT WHY spam the Planet with every little dumb Update of your site........
As usual no facts all rhetoric from the fanboys. Everything on the page is sourced. Read it and weep. I'm still waiting for your elusive facts not rhetoric, opinions or excuses.
Some clarification needed there - Microsoft have said they are fixing *some* of the most common bugs in CSS & the like. IE7 they've stated won't be doing a "major" push on the standards support front, just dealing with some of the most common developer gripes.
No No, Mastertech IS the truth! :D
Some quote Myths; Myth - "...Good stuff - give it a read." - Asa Reality - "Robert Accettura has a nice response to the poorly constructed and mostly worthless article Firefox Myths. Good stuff - give it a read." Myth - "It's an interesting read..." - Robert A. Reality - "It´s an interesting read, though has a few oddball statements, that really don´t make sense."
You are seriously embarrasing yourself. If the admin ever did check you guys would be exposed for the loons that you are. See the difference here is you cannot get the admin to lie about the IPs.
It is a factual check the sources and don't be afraid of the truth.
Only Firefox Fanboys could come up with these conspiracy theories. It is good for a laugh though.
Apparently you can't handle the truth. The proof is all there. Now back to those facts that dispute a single thing on the page? Oh thats right you don't have any.
You are seriously embarrasing yourself. If the admin ever did check you guys would be exposed for the loons that you are. See the difference here is you cannot get the admin to lie about the IPs.
Do you guys actually read the links you post? They have all been refuted each and everytime. Too bad you guys are completely incapable of coming up with anything on your own. You are forced to recycled the same arguments I tore apart months ago.
Don't sweat the loss of market share. Once people learn the truth it will probably get worse.
ROFL, he got caught pants down!
For someone with a competing guide to come on here and bash me for only making this for money is the lowest form of jealousy I can imagine. How many time must you attempt to discredit my guides? I don't comment about yours. I don't go out of my way to discredit yours. How many time have you had to make corrections to your Guides based on inaccurate information you read from my Myths guides? Anyone can check the dates of the additions to my Myths guides and you subsequent changes to yours afterwards. Don't be so jealous I corrected you numerous times. And sure as hell don't come here and post bullshit about my "intentions" which has always been to inform. Anyone with half a brain would not try to make money off the community that uses adblock. Funny how you having ads on every page is somehow different from me. Get a life and go back to correcting your guides.
IE7 has what exactly to do with Firefox myths? Absolutely nothing! So pathetic.
What complaints? That the Firefox Fanboys don't approve of being exposed? Go back to your conspiracy theories. Since the truth is too much for you.
So now all the Firefox fanboys = everybody on the face of the planet? Good math skills you got there. Please bring some facts to the table and don't be afraid of the truth.