Bulldog offer 4MB ADSL for £30

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We need someone in the UK to shake up the competition, although sounds like either the customers or bulldog themselves are a bit naive, if they think that upload service will last long, wait till it fills up with file sharers.
Sorry didn't realise they were already established ISP, tis me thats naive then, good luck to em at that price.
I've got a Bulldog 576Kbps line - not LLU and failed the 2Mb line noise test :( Mine is a rolling 1 month contract, they may do one for the 4Mb version, but if they do, the monthly charge/installation costs will prob. be higher. Don't forget there are costs to setting up an account, so it's beneficial for them to keep you for a year. They're reliable enough for a 1 year contract (I can't coz i'm moving soon). HTH ;-p W.