ATI admits to same ''tricks'' as Nvidia

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oh plz, what a crock. they take the chat with ATi, then talk to BB and a few other web guys who all say its not a cheat, or cant figure it out yet, then print this lame ass trash saying that its just like NVs, and ATI admist it? Who what when? must be time to get some hits eh / what a duffbag.
Where were all these sites when nVidia was cheating the bejesus out of EVERYTHING last year? Why are they only crying foul now that it's ATi with their fingers caught in the cookie jar? :/
"Where were all these sites when nVidia was cheating the bejesus out of EVERYTHING last year? Why are they only crying foul now that it's ATi with their fingers caught in the cookie jar? " LOL where have you been, more like Lost then a wonderer.
As usual, you are living in the mATIrix.
He's got to be joking. It was everywhere, and he made sure of it himself.
Ahh, no. The 'big' sites investigated the situation, but didn't necessarily choose to class Nvidia as Satans semen for it. The smaller, more biased, sites saw it as an opportunity to rip into Nvidia and did so with glee, playing to their inbred audience with aplomb.
...and why do we care about only those two sites? It was everywhere. It really was. You know this.
Excellent. Keep the noobs happy to at least keep the competition up. If everyone knows not to buy Nvidia or ATI due to cheating, then we won't have the fierce competition we do now.