8 Nvidia Cheats Identified - ATI Guilty As Well?

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I'm sorry but OEMs make purchase descisions on a number things like 1. Company relationship 2. Performance 3. Price. NOT because some wankers called futuremark give a benchmark result.
I agree and that's the market to earn money from. But personally and speaking on behalf of the combined 3% of enthusiasts on the PC market: Reveal what needs to be revealed. You want fair play in sports and I want fair play for my money.
oems arent the only source of income for the gfx manufactures, a lot of people makes decitions based on
... missed 'benchmarks' there at the end :)
if nvidia cant afford it, how can extremetech?
"The 1.9% performance gain comes from optimization of the two DX9 shaders (water and sky) in Game Test 4 . We render the scene exactly as intended by Futuremark, in full-precision floating point. Our shaders are mathematically and functionally identical to Futuremark's and there are no visual artifacts; we simply shuffle instructions to take advantage of our architecture. These are exactly the sort of optimizations that work in games to improve frame rates without reducing image quality and as such, are a realistic approach to a benchmark intended to measure in-game performance. However, we recognize that these can be used by some people to call into question the legitimacy of benchmark results, and so we are removing them from our driver as soon as is physically possible. We expect them to be gone by the next release of CATALYST." WAY cool way to handle it ATi, way cool. :cool:
Didn't you hear? Even they said they had a tough time selling the NV30.... (I'm being SARCASTIC here, before anyone jumps up & down!) ((Oh, I knew you'd get it EC...just for the visiting crazies, they're REALLY coming out of the woodwork tonight over this one...gonna be a fun weekend! :D ))
I'm trying to comprehend the stupidity behind the decision to cheat in a benchmark that you previously proclaimed to be worthless. Did they think nobody would notice?
its amazing that such big companies like this are that easily found out im suprised that this has happened really. I cant wait to see the whole story when it comes out in the wash. but at the end of the day nvidia have got a real problem with a card that is expensive to produce and cant compete with ati so they must be in the real shit to have to do this
lol yea :) you can already see how 3dmark is being catogorised as useless. I i frmember correctly, 3dmark was a amazing tool back when nvidia beat ati :P it just cant be $100.000+ for a beta license, because a small site as extremetech doont make that kind of money on their banners. possibly some select partners is offered a free membership? thats the only way i can see extremetech being a beta partner