hey i need your guys help. . . . . well whenever i go onto my laptop ( windows xp ) it goes to a blue screan. . . . . . it says a problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damae to your comp.

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Joined 2008-10-25
hey i need your guys help.....
well whenever i go onto my laptop ( windows xp ) it goes to a blue screan......
it says
a problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damae to your comp.


if this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your comp..if this screen apears again, follow these steps.

check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed hardware or software.if this is a new installation,ask yourhardware or software manufatuare for any window updates you need

if the problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software, disable BIOS memeory options such as caching or shadowing.
if you need to use safe modeto remove or disable componets, restart your computer, press f8 to selectadvanced start up options, and then select safe mode

***STOP: OXOOOOOOOOED ( 0XC00000006, OXOOOO00000,0X0000000

plz help me it took forever to type all this up.....
this is wat i have done
-safemode-no luck
-restarting my comp.-none yet
-went on BIOS menu and deleted all of my memeory -dont work
-restarted everything-hmmmm still didnt work
-throwing my computer against the wall... - working on it

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looks like a harddisk problem too me
I cannot tell how severe this is from this point ... but you may try out
SpinRite from www.grc.com and check your hard disk for errors