Quick way to dual boot Windows/Linux.

I have finished putting my new computer together but made one very big mistake! I installed Windows Vista on one of my hard discs (Fedora Linux is installed on the other one).

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Joined 2007-12-22
I have finished putting my new computer together but made one very big mistake! I installed Windows Vista on one of my hard discs (Fedora Linux is installed on the other one).
Vista would not accept my Canon scanner (6 years old) and would not accept my new lazer printer (new on the market), I found it very pretty but full of useless items that I did not need and a complete pain in the butt.
So I reformatted that hard disk and installed Windows XP Pro and have had no trouble since then with the Windows hard disc.
I now find when I boot up that to choose the OS that I want I have to hit delete,enter,go to Boot, scan up and down to the hard disc that I want hit enter then F10 then enter again.
I am now asking anyone out there is there an easier way to choose my OS hard disc which would be a lot easier. I was hoping that on boot up all I would have to do was click on the OS that I want.
Is this possible?
I would be oblidged if you could tell me if this is possble.
Thanks in antisipation
Ron Lucas.

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Joined 2007-12-22
Over 100 views and no answers!
So I guess no one knows of a quick way to boot up from either Windows/Linux other than the way I am doing it at present.
Thanks anyway.
Ron Lucas


1352 Posts
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Joined 2004-02-01
i hope i understud it right...
2 HDD and 2 OS....right?!

then try that



11 Posts
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Joined 2007-12-22
Thank you Dark Biene, this is not the first time you have helped me out.
Yes I have 2 hard drives, each has 400 Gb.
I have installed Windows on one and Fedora Linux on the other.
I can choose which one I wish to use by the method I described in my first post, but I was sure there must be an easier way.
I will try the site you have given me and will let you know if I am successful.
Many thanks.
Ron Lucas.


1352 Posts
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Joined 2004-02-01
no prob,
that problems u got i had to solve, too :)