Winja 6.0

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Winja uploads files to VirusTotal and can retrieve reports, scan running processes, startup, services, and more. It is the replacement for Phrozen's VirusTotal Uploader.

Winja uploads files to VirusTotal and can retrieve reports, scan running processes, startup, services, and more. It is the replacement for Phrozen's VirusTotal Uploader.

The program was redesigned from scratch and uses VirusTotal API in a much more efficient way to save network resources and time. It can check for a previous existence of a scan in the archives of VirusTotal before uploading the file itself.

Winja takes Phrozen VirusTotal Uploader and turns it into much more of an all-in-one system utility that can look at startup files, scheduled tasks, processes, and services to check suspicious files on VirusTotal. This can be handy for anyone cleaning malware who might be unsure if a file is legit or not.
