Wall mounting a Middle Atlantic DWR/CWR server cabinet

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MissingRemote published an article about wall mounting a Middle Atlantic DWR/CWR server cabinet

A quote from the article:
I recently started a project to try to use the space in our utility, er… server room better. A big part of this was getting a wall mounted rack that I could use for our server and the network equipment that also lives in the space. After a lot of research, and some help from my friend Adam who knows a lot more about this sort of thing than I do, I ended up with a Middle Atlantic DWR-12-32. Part of the complexity is that I needed something that would fit a large server chassis (3U/26” deep) which narrows the pool, as well as raising the complexity of the installation because of the necessary weight considerations. Since I was not able to find a great guide on how to mount a heavy cabinet on the wall, this is my attempt to document the process. Most of this will be applicable for any rack you select, but obviously some of it will be specific to the DWR/CWR lineup.

 Wall mounting a Middle Atlantic DWR/CWR server cabinet