Unreal With S3TC

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The program was tested and a few bugs removed. We are proud to present a working and hopefully bugfree version of it !!! Enjoy Unreal with a quality no one ever expected before. Because of that the textures are sorted by the programm there are no masking problems like in the UT/Oldskool.!

Here's what the readme says...

This program allows you to convert UT 2nd CD Texture Packages to Unreal =

compatible packages.


Install one of the recent OpenGl Patches (OpenGlDrv2.1.0.4.zip for =

Unreal Version 224 or OpenGlDrv2.1.0.5.zip for Unreal =

Version226/UnrealGold), and check that "S3TC" is set to true.

Copy Every file from UT 2nd CD "Texture" folder (ex : D:Textures)=20

into an empty directory (ex : c: empUTHiResTextures).

Extract the S3TCExt.exe into this folder too, and run it.

It should process every file and the ask you to press any key to close

(Processing may take long).

A "temp" folder will be generated which contains the converted textures:

(ex c: empUTHiResTextures emp)

Copy every file from this folder to your unreal Texture directory

(ex : c:Gamesunreal extures) and overwrite when prompted.

(this Programm is tested and no errors were found yet, but if you =

experience a problem with one of the packages replace the file with the =

original from the Unreal CD.)

Just run the game and enjoy....

For Bug-Reports and suggestions please use the Forums @ =


Download Here


It works and its awesome!