Tyan Tachyon G9700 Pro Review

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[H]ardOCP has posted their review of the highly anticipated Tyan Radeon 9700 Pro graphics card. Sporting a unique cooler unit, a blue PCB and hardware monitoring you may want to find out what this fellow is able to do. Here's a snip: One very important feature of this card, one that we mentioned earlier, is the hardware monitoring. The software can monitor the voltage, temperature, and regulate fan speed on this video card. Unfortunately, our card is an engineering sample and does not have the hardware monitoring that the production boards will have. [...] Tyan Tachyon G9700 Pro overclocking is probably what most of you want to hear about. I don't know where the rumor about it started, but there was a lot of talk about the Tyan 9700 Pro card coming clocked at an overclocked state, near 400MHz at default. Well, that isn?t the case; this card is not overclocked by default. It comes clocked at the standard 325MHz core and 620MHz DDR memory speed. Tyan 9700 Pro Review