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TrackOFF is designed to minimize the fingerprint you leave behind while browsing the web.

TrackOFF is designed to minimize the fingerprint you leave behind while browsing the web.

Whenever you visit a website, you are tracked with cookies, location details, etc. TrackOFF lets you know who is attempting to track you and allows you to remove browsing history and cookies. You either perform them manually, or you can set up a schedule and let it be done automatically. You can also whitelist sites (like MajorGeeks of course). Wiping these traces and records from your machine can effectively stop hackers and trackers from discovering and potentially stealing your identity or prying into your private life.

Quickly identify fraud before it can damage your credit, or finances not to mention costing thousands of dollars to repair - so why not prevent it by stopping the numerous trackers that are continually attempting to collect, steal, and sell your data online beforehand? TrackOFFis is beyond simple adblocking or what you can do on your own - but still simple to use.

TrackOFF will detect and stop tracking threats, then notify you so you can see who's attempting to capture your data and protect your fingerprint. It also provides a convenient way to search the web privately right from the app and will connect you with a search engine that doesn't log or store your queries. You will easily be able to wipe your browser history so you can protect yourself keeping who you are and where you've been online safe. You can also review the reports TrackOFF generates; they include a full list of who attempted to track you and if your digital fingerprint has changed. All the above features are wrapped into a nicely done UI that is very simple to use allowing even novice users to bolster their online security.
