Synology DSM NAS OS Review

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Windows Central takes a look at the Synology DSM NAS OS

A quote from the article:
Much more than a new lick of paint.

Synology DiskStation 7.0 is finally here after two years of development. The OS powers millions of Synology network-attached storage (NAS) enclosures worldwide. The company claims DSM 7.0 to be the largest update released for the OS, sporting a brand-new user interface, overhaul of numerous background systems, as well as thousands of improvements.

We've been playing around with the beta version of DSM 7.0 and this review was created using build 7.0-41882, which is the most recent release candidate before the June 29 public launch. Synology may have made changes to the release between the version we reviewed and the one that will be released to live NAS enclosures.
  Synology DSM NAS OS Review