SoftDigi Easy GIF 5.0

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SoftDigi Easy GIF is a full-service GIF animation suite that enables the easy creation and editing of unique GIF images.

SoftDigi Easy GIF is a full-service GIF animation suite that enables the easy creation and editing of unique GIF images.

You will be able to create animated banners and pictures using an array of special features to add striking image effects to any project. SoftDigi Easy GIF fully supports numerous GIF animation types and will provide high compression and great quality for any of your animated GIF images.

It also includes a robust graphic editor that will enable you to easily work with vector objects as well as built-in optimization tools for merging identical frames, cropping transparent areas, and reducing file sizes allowing you to decrease the overall size of an existing GIF file.

SoftDigi Easy GIF Features:

Extract separate animation frames
Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it
Generate a web page with GIF images
Export GIF animation to AVI format
Use GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, PSD and PCX images in your animation
Save animation in SWF Flash format
Easy GIF automatically optimizes image files so that you do not have to take any extra steps to reduce the size of your files
And more
