PHP 8.3.7 RC1 released

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A new software update is available: PHP 8.3.7 RC1 released

PHP 8.3.7 RC1 released

Jakub Zelenka has announced the release candidate for PHP 8.3.7. Zend_call_stack construct, zend_max-execution-timers, fileinfo, FPM, Intl, MySQLnd, Opcache, OpenSSL, PDO SQLite, Phar, PHPDBG, Posix, Session, and Streams have all been updated. These improvements address a variety of issues, including improper execute_data->opline pointers, wrong dnl appended in configure, ASAN false positive underflow, filename and lineno identification, ASAN false positive underflow, fileinfo, FPM, OpenSSL, PDO SQLite, Phar, and streams.

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