Peltier Power Supply Preview

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ASE Labs shows you a new peltier power supply in their preview of what is to come. Check it out!

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While Nivram searches for the best way to cool his cpu, he has found that watercooling provides the best cooling while keeping the noise down. Now he wishes to go below ambient by adding a peltier to the setup. What is a peltier?

But what is a peltier? Basically it is an array of diodes sandwiched between two ceramic plates that when a voltage is applied will transfer heat from one ceramic plate to the other. By placing the 'cold' plate adjacent to a heat source (CPU most of the time) it is possible to transfer the heat away from the heat source. Since a 'cold' surface may also cause condensation it will be necessary to protect the circuitry of the computer from this condensation by insulating any possible cold surfaces.

And believe me, if you can't cool the hot side of the peltier, say good bye to your cpu. A peltier also requires a good deal of Amps to work and this PSU provides that needed current!