PaperPlane Smart Launch 1.0

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PaperPlane Smart Launch will enable you to launch your desktop with a clutter free iPad-like feel.

PaperPlane Smart Launch will enable you to launch your desktop with a clutter free iPad-like feel. If you like the look of an iPad or simply want a nice clean and efficient launchpad for your Windows machine then this is the ticket. It grants you with quick access to all your most frequently used apps, allows you to open recent files, visit your favorite sites, play games and open any shortcut you have within an iPadesque environment.Once you have successfully installed PaperPlane Smart Launch it will immediately begin scanning and listing all of your installed apps. They will be broken down by their frequency of use - these factors can change often depending on the number of times you open them. You can also select to manually organize your apps, files, URLs, games for yourself by simply disabling that feature and dragging the icons exactly where you want them. PaperPlane Smart Launch provides a super-simple way to change up the overall feel of your desktop, for free without that "fruity" price - so leave your old desktop behind.PaperPlane Smart Launch Features:Gives you a new desktop similar to Mac OS LaunchpadLaunch your most accessed apps, files, URLs, games, and moreOrganize your apps, files, URLs, games, and folders into multiple groupsOrganize your apps, files, URLs, games, folders in multiple desktopsSimple activation by double-click, hotkey, hot mouse key, or hot window cornerSearch bar to quickly locate your apps, files, URLs, and gamesDrag-and-drop, and right-click menu to add shortcutsAutomatic backup and restore