Keyboard and Mouse Locker 1.1

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Keyboard and Mouse Locker is a simple portable app for locking your keyboard and mouse from being used.

Keyboard and Mouse Locker is a simple portable app for locking your keyboard and mouse from being used.

An app such as Keyboard and Mouse Locker will be useful for any unattended machine protecting it from being used. Have kids that stream content on your machine? No problem; lock it up and prevent any accidental use. It works by allowing you to set a custom sequence (make sure to remember it!) for locking down the mouse and keyboard.

Keyboard and Mouse Locker is not a super-secure type of app but should be considered more of a safeguard to deter anyone from attempting to use your machine in your absence.

To use Password Sender, you will need an app such as WinRar or similar.

What Is the Pause and Break Key on the Keyboard For?
