Hyper-V Performance Monitor Tool

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Hyper-V Performance Monitor Tool allows you to monitor and view Hyper-V VM Guest Performance on your Hyper-V Hosts.

Hyper-V Performance Monitor Tool allows you to monitor and view Hyper-V VM Guest Performance on your Hyper-V Hosts.This free PerfMon Tool can monitors CPU, Memory, Disk I/O and network statistics as seen from inside the Guest. All the data is retrieved via WMI only so there's no modules or software to install.Hyper-V Performance Monitor Tool written in PowerShell allows you to gather and view VM performance statistics as seen from inside the Guest on every discovered or manually added Hyper-V host. Configure the number of samples to take and the interval between them, choose your Hyper-V hosts and hit the 'Monitor' button. GUI is used by default, all performance statistics averages are presented in GridView. Specify the '-PSobjects' parameter to skip the GUI and return output in the console instead. See screenshots below with output from GridView and the console.Usage.Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1### export data to csv via GUI, defaults to current dir.Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1 -ExportToCsv ### retrieve data as PSobjects, great for parsing and logging, -name parameter is optional, defaults to automatic discovery.Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1 -PSobjects### specify host and interval/samples manually.Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1 -Name host1,host2 -PSobjects -Interval 2 -MaxSamples 5### accepts pipeline input'Host1','Host2' | .Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1 -PSobjects ### Log to SQL server with Write-ObjectToSQL , this example uses SQL auth.Monitor-HyperVGuestPerformance.ps1 ?PSobjects | Write-ObjectToSQL ?TableName table ?Database db -Server server ?credential (get-credential)