HP exec: Windows 8 had a "slower start" than expected

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HP Executive Vice President Todd Bradley said in a new interview that sales of Windows 8 PCs had "a slower start than many people expected" but added that the company is seeing "continued growth."

From Neowin:
The launch of Windows 8 in late October was not enough to boost sales of PCs overall. Recent numbers from IDC and also from Gartner for the fourth quarter of 2012 show that overall PC shipments worldwide were down for that period.

This week, HP Executive Vice President Todd Bradley admitted in a new interview with Bloomberg that the launch of Microsoft's newest operating system had "a slower start than many people expected." However, he seemed to indicate that sales had already started to improve for 2013, saying, "We see continued momentum and continued growth" for the month of January.

 HP exec: Windows 8 had a "slower start" than expected