Hornil StylePix

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Hornil StylePix is a graphics editing program with a number of advanced features.
Hornil StylePix, or simply StylePix, is a graphics editing program with a number of advanced features. Stylepix is an acronym for "Style Pictures". This means your pictures with nice style. Hornil StylePix has intuitive user interface. It is designed to control the selected functions easy and conveniently. Even if you have no experience, you can easily learn how to edit image and retouching your photos. As a result, Hornil StylePix´s intuitive UI reduces your time to work. To better speed editing, Hornil StylePix is designed to focus on light and powerful. We are always striving to improve the performance of Hornil StylePix. Hornil StylePix runs on fewer resources environment such as Net-books and laptop computer or virtual machines(vmware, virtual box, virtual pc and etc.) with full image handling features. Features: Convenient working environment png, jpg, bmp, tif, gif, tga file formats are supported Working with multiple files can be opened simultaneously Multi-level undo-redo support, and action list display Zoom in/out and the full-screen view and guides, rulers, grid support Thumbnail, histogram and waveform view for current editing image StylePix own file format(.tsp) support Variety selection tools Auto-range, color-range, and rectangular, circular, polygonal, lasso area selection, and transformation options Variety of drawing tools Brush, eraser, spray, clone-brush, lines, rectangles, circles Multi-line text editing Flood fill and gradient fill support 20 kinds of blending modes Color picker with HSV color model Review and convenient image viewing Folder explorer and thumbnail view supports Full-screen slide show Browse tool Batch processing Rename, resize, rotate, and apply filters for multiple files Image transformation tools Rotate, flip Crop tool Free transform tool Correction-restore and enhancement tools Dust removal, Red-eye removal tools Lighten, darken, blur, and sharpen tools 30 kinds of practical image filter Color adjustment filters Sharpen and blur filters Mosaic, noise filters Style Filter Rendering filters Morphological filters Noise filters Distort filters Convolve filters Photo Enhancement filters Multi-layer support Multi-layer editing, and group support 30 kinds of blending modes and transparency for each layers Change desktop background