Hide_Plus 1.3

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Hide_Plus allows you to hide open applications from the desktop, taskbar or system tray.

Hide_Plus allows you to hide open applications from the desktop, taskbar or system tray.

Hide_Plus requires installation and is simple to use. With an open window, just right-click on Hide_Plus in the system tray and select from Hide, Minimize, Maximize, Normal, and Close. You can choose from six languages, close to an icon, and start with Windows.

We might be missing something, but the settings tab showed up twice. We don't understand why there are two settings and what they are for. Regardless, a link always appeared for any app we ran, so that's not a dealbreaker.

Hide_Plus is easy to use and relatively unique. It needs hotkeys so you can hide applications in a hurry, similar to how a Boss Key app works.
